London Fashionista Blog

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Natural Beauty is Real Beauty

Have you been shopping around Westfield London recently and spotted some protesters?  No, they're not protesting against University fees but campaigning for positive body image. 

Kimberly Wyatt, ex-Pussycat Dolls member led the campaign alongside Kaya Cheyanne of T4.  The logo "Real Images, Real People" is a campaign against airbrushed photos.  It aims to eliminate the pressure of perfection exposed to us by the media, fashion and beauty industries, which have somewhat caused some negative effects to many women regarding their body image especially the young ones. The said logo is recommended to be used by industries everytime natural beauty is used in their material. 

According to T4's Kaya Cheyanne, this is "not only to show support, but also as a sign that we are moving in a positive healthier direction".  Kimberly Wyatt is very passionate about natural beauty and hopes to inspire others through this campaign.

For more details please visit